Category Archives: Reviews

Surveillance superheroes (too much for a movie night)

Being sick sucks. You’ve a headache, every part of your body hurts and you cannot focus on anything really serious. This is why, to boost up my immune system and kick out the flu, I decided that I needed a good superhero movie: The Avengers. I didn’t know what I was stepping into.


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Why the Mockingjay movie was better than the book

Mockingjay, the third instalment of the Hunger Games series, has finally hit theatres. The first two movies showed children fighting each other to the death in the Hunger Games, a televised reality show. This time, it gets even darker.

Where Catching Fire, number two in the trilogy, left its viewer with the feeling that revolution was coming, now, Mockingjay has lost all of this urgency. It serves more as a stepping stone for the last Hunger Games than anything else.

But what it does well is depicting the highly manipulated televising of a revolution as well as what happens to those who dare to revolt.

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Let’s rant: No game for the UK. Ubisoft vs. Valve.



One of the most anticipated computer games of the year, Assassins Creed: Unity, releases today in Europe, with most of its digital copies likely being sold through Steam. The exception for this is the United Kingdom, where Ubisoft and Valve stopped working together.

This means that some of the most highly anticipated games of 2014’s holiday season will not be available on the people’s choice of Best Platform, the platform they want to buy their games on. PC gamers will have to go through uPlay, Ubisoft’s own software client, to get access to Assassins Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, and The Crew. But why is there this falling out between two of the biggest players in the video game industry, and why is this such an issue?

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Nightcrawler (2014) Movie Review – Sometimes the Real Monsters are Behind the Camera

Nightcrawler (2014) Poster
Pitch-black Satire Hits All Its Targets And Gyllenhaal Steals The Show

Nightcrawler is a black comedy that goes right to the jugular of ratings obsessed Los Angeles TV news. The media and the protagonist’s mantra of “if it bleeds it leads” slowly becomes a terrifyingly literal guiding principle over the course of the film.

Satirising the sensationalisation of wall-to-wall news coverage that focuses exclusively on violence, Nightcrawler is that rarest of cinematic unicorns: a satire that skewers its marks precisely through fully exploring its characters, and one that presents a version of LA that feels fresh and interesting.

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